Seattle Terrors Blog


West Seattle High School

Posted on February 11, 2020
As of 2017, this building had been used for a school for a whole century. It is still operational to this day and still offers a great education for its students. The school has many different activit...

The Sorrento Hotel

Posted on February 8, 2020
This is considered to be the most haunted place in Seattle and Washington! It opened in 1909 and it was designed weirdly. It looked creepy even back when it was first built. The design of the building...

The Owl N’ Thistle

Posted on February 5, 2020
The building where the Owl N'Thistle pub is located dates way back to the 1930s. The building was first used as a cafeteria, however, not long after that, a Cajun restaurant took its place. It would n...